1991 - : NTUA,
Dept. of EE & CS: Supervision of numerous diploma theses and Ph.D.
1990 - : Participation
in various EC and Greek state-funded research projects as prime investigator
and/or head of project
1990 - : Reviewer
IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits
IEE Proceedings
IEE Electronics Letters
Various IEEE sponsored international conferences
1985 - 1986: Technical Consultant at the Greek Ministry of
Culture and Sciences
1987: Consultant at the Technical Chamber of Greece
1988 - 1989: Cooperation with Hewlett Packard Co. Development
of a graphical user interface for a CAD VLSI design tool
1989: Military service at the Greek Navy as a specialized
computer scientist
1990: Cooperation with ERGODATA SA, Athens. Development
of a graphical user interface for a GIS system
1991 - 1993: Cooperation with Columbia University, New York.
Development of a graphical user interface for the CAD tool SWITCAP2. The
product is commercially available through Columbia University.